
The internet, if a country, would be the world's 7th largest emitter of CO2 pollution. It is on track to be the 2nd by 2040 on its current trajectory*. It is time to change. SEOs can play a key part in helping to clean up the web. Sustainable web designers are showing us the way with the sustainable web manifesto. It's time for us to act, it's time for us to change, it's time for us to drive impact to clean up the web.

> Join our LinkedIn group, and stay in the know on the latest GreenSEO happenings.

This website’s purpose will be to empower, connect and give you SEOs the tools you need to create a meaningful and long-lasting impact on creating a carbon-friendly internet.

This website has been created to be as carbon-friendly as possible in its design, and construction. There are so many things that you can do to take action to make the internet a greener place. We hope some of these ideas and toolsets will help you make them believe that change is possible, whether it's wholesale changes or through incremental marginal gains.

Together we make a difference. Together we can succeed.

*[Source Worldometer]

The GreenSEO Manifesto

Top 10 most impactful next steps

  1. Baseline your current position - measure your impact
  2. Create a roadmap / get buy-in
  3. Swap to a renewable energy-hosted data centre
  4. Deal with images & and videos - any media files / PDFs
  5. Archive or remove redundant content via a content audit
  6. Focus on Core Web Vitals & Page Speed
  7. Address crawl budgets & and crawler activity
  8. Implement dark mode (or toggled dark mode)
  9. Apply eco practice for design, fonts & accessibility
  10. Improve the UX flow/customer journey

Green SEO Resources

We have gathered resources and tools to help you do your jobs and make the web greener. This is just the start of creating open source toolkits for you to create impact.

Do you have a great resource tool to help green up the web? -Send us an email hereso we can post it up or try to help.

Green SEO Resources

Green SEO Tools


Sharing our learnings on the way from our successes - so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

Feel free to share with us your learnings here.

Problems to solve

We have many, many questions and problems to solve - send us them here so we can post them up or try to help.

About GreenSEO

GreenSEO was formed whilst three people met at the Brighton SEO conference. A talk delivered by Stu Davies on How the internet impacts the planet and what to do about it sparked Will & Rowan to approach him and they agreed on a meetup.


GreenSEO meetups:

Brighton: Every second Wednesday(ish) at the Brunswick Pub, BN3 1JF.

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To keep this site light, we have built it using the following tech: